A dream of precious wood

Classic yachts are unique ships with a special charm and stand out by their beauty of the mean ships in the Adriatic. Their elegant lines enchanted not only by their appearance, they are also particularly good sailing characteristics to be highlighted. Seaworthy in all weathers without stomp firmly in the waves, they navigate their way and bring the crew safely and reliably in the port where they caught numerous glances keen sailor. But comfort is not saved in the noble classics!

Come aboard and enjoy the wonderful adventure, whether sporty and fast or below deck in the port for an extra coziness. Here you feel at home quickly.

Floorboards of precious tropical woods, planks of beautiful and well-kept wooden cleats that do not come from the press and are installed tens of thousands of times, but as unique as their institutions are - a Classic Yacht is different. Detail on detail perfectly staged, moreover, not just a looker, but quite practical and well thought out. What counts here is not only the design and functionality play a major role. That is the difference, if not every year a new model is launched, here are empirical values and old Approved - designers and builders are even hundreds of hours behind the wheel before giving the okay, for their dream could your be ...


Sailing Area

You start from the beautiful Izola, the brief five-hour drive away from Vienna, or flying the Trieste only 20 minutes away by car in order to explore the Folkeboot the many possibilities of short and long haul trips.


Here you can explore our Classic Yacht Area...


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